
My recent French macaron baking whirl produced a number of flavoursome experiments.  Mint, café au lait, lemon, rose, lavender, passionfruit and pistachio.  My macaron obsession is far from over, but for now, my macaron apron has been hung up.  For now…

In the meantime, I aim to bake a few other items off my ever expanding ‘must bake’ list.  While focusing on my French macarons, I was constantly reminded of the modest coconut macaroon.  Kerrin from MyKugelhopf recently made an outrageously rich matzoh dessert for Passover.  Passover seemed the perfect time to whip up a batch of coconut macaroons.

While reading about French macarons, I noticed these little tropical tasting treats were sometimes given a less than positive rap.  So I hoped to give these little hay-stacked cookies just a nudge of acknowledgement for what they are.  A simple little biscuit perfect for a sweet indulgence any time of day.  Nothing more, nothing less.

For the recipe, I chose the ever reliable version from Martha Stewart.  These are simple and quick to make.  The perfect snack to whip up at a moment’s notice.

{Chocolate Chunk Coconut Macaroons } recipe by Martha Stewart
Makes 20

* Ingredients *

3/4 cup sugar
2 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
2 large egg whites
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chunks
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
Pinch of salt

* Directions *
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine sugar, coconut, egg whites, chocolate chunks, vanilla, and salt. Use your hands to mix well, completely combining ingredients.
2. Dampen hands with cold water. Form 1 1/2 tablespoons of mixture into a loose haystack shape, and place on prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining mixture, placing macaroons about 1 inch apart.
3. Bake until golden brown, 15 to 20 minutes. Remove baking sheet from oven to a wire rack, and let macaroons cool slightly on baking sheet. These are best served warm from the oven, but can be stored in an airtight container for up to 3 days; leave in a warm place for 1 hour before serving to allow chocolate to soften.